“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”


I am an artist / illustrator / art instructor (+ wife, kid-mom, dog-mom,…) living in a beautiful coastal town with my family in the Boston, MA area. I’ve been creating, crafting, drawing and painting since I was little — my love of art goes all the way back to my beloved 64-box of Crayola crayons. I am profoundly inspired by the natural world around me and am in constant awe of the things Mother Nature can do. I’m grateful to be able to devote my time to connecting art + nature and sharing it with others through my artwork and teaching.

My paintings offer an invitation to pause for a moment, let the clutter of life fall away, and notice the small details around us that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Our little planet is fast-paced and changing rapidly, and my hope is to bring a greater awareness to the amazing plants and creatures in our delicately balanced environment, and inspire others to do the same.

As I paint my subjects I study them, zooming in and quietly spending time to see colors, textures, and patterns — all of these details get etched into my memory like an internal nature journal. My appreciation for the natural world grows with each piece I complete, and I hope yours will as well in viewing my work.

Thanks for stopping by to look around! If you have any questions on my art, have a inquiry for a commission, want to ask about upcoming classes or private instruction, would like to purchase prints of artworks you see here that aren’t in my shop, or just simply want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


TARA CONNAUGHTON is an artist & art instructor living on the coast south of Boston, MA (where she finds much of her inspiration). Her botanical and nature-inspired paintings have earned multiple awards, and she has exhibited her work through local and regional galleries and venues around the Boston area. She uses her passion for painting and love of nature to teach and inspire others to create and connect with the world around them.

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